Trifolio-M as one of the final nominated candidates for the “Hessischer Exportpreis 2017” (‘Hessian Export Award 2017’).
The jury members of the award were convinced by the export strategies of our company and due to this they voted Trifolio-M
to one of the final four candidates out of 54 in total under the category “industry and trade”. We are proud, that we had
the chance to participate this great award ceremony and about the positive feedbacks afterwards.
The ceromony took place in the Hessian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Frankfurt/Main on the 20th of June.
Picture: a team of Trifolio-M (Ina Kleeberg, Jens Berghaeuser and Karin Moulders) receives a certificate from Mr. Tarek Al-Wazir (second from the left), Hessian Economics Minister.