Box Tree Moth - Monitoring Trap

The TRIPHERON®  BoxTreeBox has been specially designed to assist owners of box trees to control the box tree moth.
The monitoring trap is an early warning system for the box tree owner and gives a clear indication of an upcoming infestation by the box tree moth.

The TRIPHERON®  BoxTreeBox is reusable over several years and therefore economical and environmentally friendly.

Trifolio-M Tripheron Pheromone trap

TRIPHERON® BoxTreeBox at a Glance

Box trees are amongst the most popular ornamental trees and shrubs and can be seen in almost every public or private garden. The evergreen and hardy box tree can easily be pruned into almost any conceivable shape. Garden estates sprinkled with ornamentally sculptured box trees are hugely popular and always a sight to behold. Box trees are slow growing plants and many of those pampered, cut and grafted need decades to mature to full glory. As a consequence, these box trees are almost irreplaceable and can be of extremely high intrinsic and idealistic value to their respective owners. The loss of a carefully assembled and architecture box tree ensemble can be avoided by making use of sophisticated and modern biological plant protection measures.

Box tree ball In woven planting basket, isolated on white background
Box tree moth

Just about a decade ago the box tree moth made landfall in the Old World and has since eaten his way through box tree populations all over Europe.
The gravid female box tree moth lays her eggs well hidden inside the box tree plants. After a period of only a few days the eggs hatch and larvae start feeding on leaves and twigs of the box tree. The larvae grow up to a length of 5 cm passing through several larval stages. During this time the damage suffered by the box tree can lead to its premature demise. After a feasting period of 1 to 3 months the larvae pupate to be succeeded within one week by the full-grown adult box tree moth which restarts the described circle above. Between 3 and 4 generations of box tree moth can develop over the course of one season. The generation gap is 4 to 6 weeks and depends on the prevailing climatic conditions. The box tree is threatened continuously throughout the May to October period. The final generation of caterpillars hibernate inside the box tree.

Check your tree stands early in spring for feeding larvae that have spent the cold season hibernating in a cocoon. If you find feeding larvae – take the appropriate steps immediately!

The first flying moths develop from the larvae coming from hibernation and can be observed as early as May. As soon as the box tree moth starts flying it will mate and females then place their eggs underneath the leaves of yet another box tree. The next generation larvae hatch after only a few days and will immediately proceed to feast on box tree leaves and twigs.

Boxtreebox Infestation And Treatment

A long period of time can pass until the infestation leads to visible damage. At that time, it may already be too late for the tree to survive. The ideal moment in time to treat against hatched larvae is roughly 2 weeks after the onset of the flight period.

Inside the BoxTreeBox you will find a funnel trap re-designed to be useful even in small private gardens along with three natural rubber pheromone dispensers that are loaded with minute amounts of attractant of the female box tree moth. The pheromone dispensers emit the perfume of the female box tree moth over the course of 4 – 6 weeks and are hugely attractant to the male counterparts seeking a mating partner. These male box tree moths are lured into the trap and act as an indicator for the onset of the flight period coinciding with the laying of the eggs by the female.

Trifolio M BoxTreeBox Application note 1

1. Screw the trap funnel onto the trap body.

Trifolio M BoxTreeBox Application note 2

2. Attach the trap roof to the trap funnel.

Trifolio M BoxTreeBox Application note 3

3. Carefully remove a dispenser from the protective foil and fill the attractant container with it. Then put the protective cap on the attractant container.

Trifolio M BoxTreeBox Application note 4

4. Now insert the attractant container into the trap attachment.

Trifolio M BoxTreeBox Application note 5

5. The trap can be hung up as desired or placed on a planting rod in the immediate surrounding of your box trees.

Trap setup BoxTreeBox

6. To directly disarm the box tree moth, the trap body can be filled up with approx. 5 cm of water mixed with detergent.

Content Complete trap including 6 attractant dispensers
Shelf Life
Stored in a cool and dry place the attractant dispensers have a shelf life of two years.
In Germany the TRIPHERON® BoxTreeBoxis available under the brand names of our partners Compo, KAS, Dr. Stähler, re-natur and Plantura. Suitable TRIPHERON® refill dispensers are available from retailers.
Since only male box tree moths are lured into the trap the female egg laying is not compromised. caught moths only serve as an indicator to determine the perfect timing of a subsequent treatment with e.g. a neem based biological insecticide.

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Strategy against the Box Tree Moth

The TRIPHERON®  BoxTreeBox gives a clear indication of an upcoming infestation by the box tree moth and is an indicator to determine the perfect timing of a subsequent treatment with a neem based biological insecticide.

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