THRIPHERON® pheromones, dispensers and pheromone traps are used for species-specific detection of infestation by insect pests.
Pheromone traps have become an essential and useful tool for pest control in fruit, vegetables and wine. They help to avoid unnecessary insecticide spreading operations, to determine the right time for a treatment and to evaluate the success of a pest control measure.

Pheromone Traps
THRIPHERON®pheromone traps have been specially developed to catch the winged stages of insect pests. Pheromone traps provide a sensitive early warning system for infestation by pest insects. At the same time traps reduce reproduction of pest insects. As the males are lured into the trap by a species-specific sexual attractant, the females consequently remain unfertilized and egg deposition is prevented. With the help of the highly effective attractants, the flight activity of the pests can be monitored in the field or in greenhouses. The time of application of the pheromone traps depends on the beginning of the flight period of the insect species.
Pest Insects
We offer additional TRIPHERON® dispensers (pheromone lures) and pheromone traps for the following insect pests:
Red belted clearwing moth
Apple leaf gold miner
Codling moth
Banana moth
Grapevine moth
Fruit tree tortrix
Leopard moth
Fruitlet mining tortrix
Fruit tree tortrix moth
Beech moth
Box tree moth
Citrus flower moth
Apple fruit miner
European grape berry moth
False codling moth
Summer fruit tortrix moth
Chestnut leafroller
Brown oak tortrix moth
Green budmoth
Rose tortrix moth
Fall armyworm
Honeydew moth
Currant clearwing moth
Coffee leaf miner
Cherry blossom tineid
Winter moth
Lesser fruit moth
Lesser date moth
Clouded drab moth
Olive moth
Peach twig moth
Oriental fruit moth
Red plum maggot
Cherry tortrix moth
Fruit tree tortrix moth
Bud moth
Chestnut tortrix
Tea tortrix
Goat moth
Fruit tree tortrix moth
Yellow leggedclearwing moth
Green Oak Tortrix
Pine Beauty Moth
Gypsy Moth
European Spruce Bark Beetle
Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner
Polyphagous Leaf Roller
Pine Moth
European Pine Shoot Moth
Fir Engraver Beetle
Mediterranean Pine Engraver
Pine Processionary Moth
Silver Fir Shoot Tortrix
Engraver Beetle
Six-toothed Bark Beetle
Heart and Dart Moth
Silver Y Moth / Gammafly
Tomato Moth
Brighton Wainscot
Guatemala Potato Moth
Potato Tuber Moth, PTM
Cabbage Moth
Diamond Back Moth
Leek Moth
Western Corn Rootworm
European corn borer
Pea Moth
Tomato Looper
Tomato Leafminer
Turnip Moth
Greasy Cutworm
Beet Armyworm
Egyptian (Spring) and American Bollworm
Egyptian Cotton Leafworm and Fall Armyworm
Warehouse Moth
Cloth Moth
European Grain Moth
Indian Meal Moth
Stored Products Moths Combination
Case bearing clothes moth
Cigarette Beetle
Tobacco Pests
Red Date Palm Weevil
South American Palm Borer
Sales & Distribution
THRIPHERON® pheromones may be obtained through direct sales or retail stores with selected partners. We are happy to provide you with further information.