
Against Oak Processionary Moth

NeemPro®tect is a biocide containing the pure Margosa extract as NeemAzal®. This natural neem seed extract has been successfully used in organic farming for many years.

NeemPro®tect was the first biocide to receive official approval for use against the oak processionary moth in Germany! Since 2019 NeemPro®tect has also been approved in Belgium and Austria.

German registration number: DE-0011980-18

neemprotect 2021

From the Kernels of the Neem Tree

NeemPro®tect contains Margosa extract as NeemAzal®, the pure active ingredient from the kernels of the tropical neem tree Azadiracta indica A. Juss. The active ingredient is obtained as a powdery plant extract in a specially developed process. The extract clearly stands out from inferior and sometimes harmful neem oils, which can contain questionable impurities and are not approved as plant protection products in Europe due to lack of standardization. Our extraction process guarantees a consistently high quality.

The long way from the neem tree to our ready-to-use product:

Productionprocess Neemprotect
Production Process Neemprotect Mobile

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NeemPro®tect at a Glance

In expert circles it is assumed that the oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea) will find excellent living conditions also in northern countries due to climate change . Originally, the oak processionary moth was more common in southern areas of Europe. Presently its population is spread over large parts of Europe up to the Near East.
The oak processionary moth is mainly found on oak, red oak and sessile oak. Only in very strong years of infestation other tree species can be occupied occasionally. The infested trees show feeding damages on the leaves or in extreme cases total defoliation. However, the health effects of the caterpillars’ stinging hairs on humans are even more serious.

The oak processionary caterpillars hatch (depending on weather conditions) at the end of April to the beginning of May. The larvae pass 5 to 6 developmental stages until they pupate in large nests in July.

Oak processionary moth on oak tree

During the first two stages the caterpillars are not dangerous for humans. As of the third stage, they develop dangerous stinging hairs, which break off very easily and can be carried by the wind. These hairs contain the nettle toxin thaumetopoein, which causes severe skin irritation and can irritate eyes as well as the upper and lower respiratory tract. The toxin can also cause symptoms such as dizziness, fever and drowsiness.
Therefore, it is important to treat during the first two larval stages, before the caterpillars develop the dangerous stinging hairs, to avoid any health risk. In urban areas, a biocide should be used for this treatment.

NeemPro®tect contains NeemAzal®, the purified active ingredient of the seed kernels of the tropical neem tree. The active substance permeates into the leaves and is distributed partially systemic in the plant.

The caterpillars ingest NeemPro®tectwhen feeding on treated leaves. It has a special multi-stage mode of action and intervenes in the molting system of caterpillars, immediately stops development and leads to death within a short period of time (after 2 to 7 days). NeemPro®tecthas no immediate toxic effect (no “knock down”). Thus, the development of dangerous stinging hair can be avoided, ensuring reliable, long term protection.

Active Substance:
Margosa extract

Caterpillars of oak processionary moth

NeemPro®tect is diluted with water and sprayed onto infested trees. Intensive wetting of the entire tree with the recommended 0.5% treatment solution is important for an optimal efficiency. A medium sized tree requires approx. 20 litres of treatment solution.

Recommended Application Amount:
100 ml NeemPro®tect | 20 L water | 1 tree

Once the treatment solution has dried, the application area is fully accessible again. No closures or waiting periods are required.

The ideal application time is from mid-April to mid-May, immediately after the caterpillars hatch.
An early treatment is particularly efficient. During the first two larval stages, the caterpillars have not yet developed their hazardous stinging hair and are particularly sensitive to NeemPro®tect.

Areas of Application:
NeemPro®tectis used on oak trees in areas for the general public, public avenues, public roads and on forest edges adjacent to settlement areas with the aim of health protection.

Areas for the general public include:

  • public parks and gardens,
  • green spaces in publicly accessible buildings,
  • publicly accessible sports fields including golf courses,
  • school and kindergarten areas,
  • playgrounds,
  • cemeteries as well
  • areas near healthcare facilities

NeemPro®tect is not dangerous to honey bees under the recommended application conditions (B4).

NeemPro®tect is harmless for most beneficial organisms and can be used alongside them. Beneficial organisms can make an important contribution to reducing pest insects.


honey bee bee-friendly
Container 1 L | 5L | 25 L
Shelf Life
One year, from the date of manufacture
Store in a cool and dry place at temperatures between 15 and 20° C. Storage below 10° C can lead to precipitations in the product. The precipitation can be re-dissolved (without loss of efficacy) by briefly heating the product NeemPro®tect to approx. 20-30° C.
Category of users
Professional users with expertise according to the Plant Protection Expert Ordinance (PflSchSachkV).
This expertise covers the most important knowledge and skills for the use of the biocidal product NeemPro®tect.
Protective Measures
The user must wear chemical-resistant protective gloves and a protective suit (at least type 3 or 4, EN 14605) during the application.
Distance to Surface Water
When applying with hand-held sprayers, a safety distance to surface water of at least 20 m must be maintained. When spraying with vehicle-operated sprayers (including spray cannons), a safety distance from surface water of at least 90 m must be maintained.
1. During the application and until the spraying solution has been dried, the areas under the treated trees must not be entered.
2. The general public must be informed e.g. by warnings signs.
3. The product must not be used where food, water and animal feed may be contaminated.
Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

You can get NeemPro®tect directly from us or at specialist shops from selected partners


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